About me

Me, the author.
The author, Jack.

My Background

Hey Guys! My name is Jack, I’m from Ireland but now living in Madrid, Spain. I have always had a strong interest in sports and physical exercise since I was a child. Growing up in Ireland I played sports such as gaelic football, rugby, athletics, basketball and golf and many more! During my early teenage years, after a recurring injury prevented me from participating in any type of sport for about a year, I was told to start rehabilitation in the gym. This is where my interest for weight training and nutrition started to take off! I eventually made it back to playing sports but by now the gym was my primary interest! Fast forward a few years, now armed with a lot more knowledge compared to when I started. Some added muscle tissue, a good bit stronger and having competed in a few powerlifting competitions. I have managed to find what works well for me which I now use in my own training to become a stronger, more durable and muscular individual! After studying books and online articles as well as testing what I have learned, I think I can help you to acquire similar results and even better ones!

You will find information on:

  • Manipulating your nutrition and exercise routine to lose weight while maintaining your muscle mass and strength.
  • Manipulating your nutrition and exercise routine to increase muscle mass and strength while limiting fat gain.
  • Life habits to help you stick to your goals and make the process easier while living a balanced life.
  • Advice on how to design your own exercise routine tailored to your fitness goals (sports athlete, powerlifter, bodybuilder ,fitness enthusiast or weekend warrior).
  • Mindset

If you are ready to take your own health and well-being seriously or increase your sports performance don’t hesitate to sign up to my email newsletter to receive updates about all of my blog topics related to health, fitness and nutrition!